Health Plus™
your LLHA Association Member Benefit

About Health Plus
better coverage at better rates
Health Plus was created to offer better health, drug, and dental coverage to small business owners, solo professionals, freelancers, and contract workers without an employee benefit plan. Your LLHA plan covers:
benefits you won't find with other plans
Experts in benefits for small business owners, self employed individuals, and association members.
the health plus team
Your LLHA Health Plus plan comes with new extended services, including Maple Telemedicine and Inkblot Member Assistance Program (MAP). No added cost, no claims required.

Health plus for llha members
Health Plus is the preferred health, dental, and travel insurance plan for members of the Luggage, Leathergoods, Handbags and Accessories Association of Canada. With two plan options to choose from and great coverage at affordable rates, Health Plus is the plan for contract workers, freelancers, small business owners and others without employee benefits. And Health Plus is portable ... you can take your plan with you if you change jobs.
If you're a business owner Health Plus gives you great flexibility. Cover just yourself and family, your business partner, select employees, or your entire team. And as an independent broker we have all your insurance needs covered, with excellent life, disability, critical illness, long term care options and group insurance plans designed to save you money.