All Posts by Health Plus


Wellness Moment: How to Avoid Burnout

Wellness Moment: Let's Talk Burnout

Burnout is a very real issue facing Canadian workers, particularly at this time of year, when it’s cold and grey, and you feel like it’s been weeks without seeing the sun. While certain professions such as healthcare workers are particularly at risk, burnout can affect anyone regardless of occupation. Knowing the signs and symptoms and having a plan in place to manage stress and take care of your mental and physical health can help prevent or reduce the effects of burnout.

What is burnout?

It’s essentially exhaustion, mental, physical, and emotional. More than a little fatigue after a busy week, burnout can cause depression, lethargy, and even physical symptoms such as back pain, headaches, or gastrointestinal issues. Feelings of anger, dread, cynicism, hopelessness and irritability are all signs. Burnout is often coupled with drug or alcohol abuse as those who suffer try to cope.

What causes burnout?

Burnout is caused by prolonged stress, whether that’s job, relationship, or financial. The most common form is workplace burnout. An excessive workload, poor communication, unreasonable demands, lack of support, and feeling unappreciated are all contributing factors.

What’s the difference between burnout and stress? 
Stress comes and goes and it’s typically the result of an existing challenge or demands on your time. Burnout develops over time as a result of chronic stress and leaves you disengaged and feeling emotionally depleted.

How to prevent burnout?

We all know avoiding all stress is simply not possible. Setting boundaries in advance and learning coping strategies that work for you will help prevent burnout.

  • Practice Self-Care – We know it’s a cliché, but making time for self-care, whether that’s meditation, a relaxing bath, cooking your favourite meal, a movie night with your partner, or a good workout, can have a big impact on your health.
  • Make time for activities you enjoy – Staying involved in hobbies and spending time with people who enjoy the same things you do helps you feel engaged in your life, something burnout can take away.
  • Set firm boundaries – It can be hard to say no, particularly in your job, but communicating clear boundaries helps prevent overwhelm and feeling taken advantage of and can actually help make you a better employee.
  • Take time off – Whether it’s a vacation, a mental health day, or stepping back from a project, some time away can mitigate stress.
  • Get lots of sleep – Sleep is so important to all aspects of your health. This means 7 to 9 hours a night.
  • Get help managing stress – Talk to a professional, learn healthy coping mechanisms that work for you, communicate the problem, and if possible, distance yourself from the stressor.

Are you at risk for burnout?  This online tool can help assess your work-related stress so you can take action: Learn More

What if you're already burnt out?

Let’s be real, enforcing boundaries is easier said than done and when you’re busy and overwhelmed, self-care can take a back seat. That said, if you think you may be suffering from burnout, it’s important to take action.

First and foremost, know that  you’re not alone. More than 40% of Canadian workers have reported feeling burnt out. The symptoms you’re feeling are real and there’s no shame in seeking treatment. Luckily, there are tips and resources available to help.

Acknowledge how you’re feeling – It’s easy to downplay stress, but while increasingly common, feeling of burnout are not normal. The first step to dealing with burnout is paying attention to the signs and symptoms.

Take a break or a leave of absence – Separate yourself from the source of stress, even temporarily.

Talk to a professional – Seek support from an expert who can guide you through proven stress management techniques and help you build emotional resilience.

Make a plan for moving forward – Ask yourself:  what can I do to change the situation that led to burnout?  That might be a big a step such as changing jobs or other strategies such as reducing work hours, delegating tasks, hiring help, limiting contact with negative people, or connecting more with supportive people.

Resources included in Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plans:

  • Inkblot Member Assistance Program (MAP) – including 5 free hours of professional counselling
  • Tranquility iCBT (internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
  • Psychology/Social Work Coverage - up to $1000 per year

Tips for Employers

Burnout costs companies money in lost productivity, work absences, and high employee turnover. As an employer, it’s in your best interest to have safeguards in place to prevent burnout and actively support your team. This can include help managing workloads, clearly communicating tasks and expectations, recognizing achievements, and offering mental health support such as an employee assistance plan.

There is no need to accept burnout as a part of life. With the drastic increase in recent years, it can start feeling inevitable. It is not. It is preventable and treatable.

Nouvelles prestations de bien-être de Maple

Health Plus + Maple Virtual Healthcare

Nouvelles prestations de bien-être de Maple

Health Plus est fier de s’associer à Maple pour offrir de nouvelles prestations et améliorer les prestations existantes à tous les adhérents des régimes Priority et Optimum de Health Plus.

Health Plus a commencé à inclure les prestations de bien-être dans ses régimes en 2019, sans frais supplémentaires pour ses adhérents. Nous savons que la population canadienne a besoin de ressources qui dépassent le cadre des soins de santé traditionnels. En particulier, nous comprenons l’importance de l’accessibilité des soins de santé mentale, mais il existe trop souvent des obstacles au traitement.

C’est pourquoi nous nous engageons à offrir des solutions innovantes aux adhérents des régimes de Health Plus pour les aider à mieux prendre soin de leur santé physique et mentale. Avec Maple, les adhérents peuvent accéder immédiatement à un médecin de premier recours agréé par téléphone. Les prestations de bien-être comprennent également des services de conseil gratuits et des ressources pour un large éventail de sujets liés à la vie et à la santé, notamment la gestion du stress, les relations, les finances, le perfectionnement professionnel et les problèmes liés au lieu de travail, et bien d’autres choses encore.

Tous les régimes PRIORITY et OPTIMUM de Health Plus comprennent désormais trois nouveaux services fournis par Maple, sans frais supplémentaires pour nos clients.

Consultation en ligne de Maple 

Les adhérents des régimes de Health Plus ont un accès illimité, 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7, à des médecins de premier recours agréés au Canada, où qu’ils se trouvent dans le monde, par texte, audio ou vidéo. Obtenez un diagnostic et une ordonnance envoyés directement à la pharmacie de votre choix ou livrés à domicile.

Programme d'assistance aux adhérents Inkblot 

Le programme intégré d’assistance aux adhérents offre un accès 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 à des ressources numériques en matière de carrière, de santé, de relations, de conseils financiers, etc. Les adhérents bénéficient de 5 heures gratuites de counseling personnel, de counseling de couple, de guidance professionnelle et de guidance de santé.

Tranquility iCBT

Le programme innovant de thérapie cognitivo-comportementale sur Internet (iCBT) de Tranquility, offre aux adhérents des régimes des leçons numériques de CBT, des exercices pratiques et un soutien guidé pour promouvoir le bien-être mental.

Pourquoi Maple?

Nous savons qu’il est difficile pour de nombreux Canadiens de trouver un médecin, en particulier dans les zones rurales ou isolées. Et même si vous avez un médecin de famille, vous devrez peut-être attendre des jours, voire une semaine ou plus, pour obtenir un rendez-vous. Maple peut vous aider.

Fondé par un médecin en 2015, Maple est un spécialiste des soins de santé virtuels au Canada. Maple constitue le plus grand réseau de médecins en ligne au Canada et s’engage à améliorer l’accessibilité aux soins de santé grâce à des soins en ligne pratiques et conviviaux.

Le partenariat de Maple avec Inkblot permet aux adhérents d’avoir accès à trois excellents services régis par une seule organisation, sans frais supplémentaires ni demandes de remboursement.

Si vous avez des questions sur la couverture de Health Plus ou sur les nouveaux services de Maple, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Notre équipe est là pour vous aider.  

Maple virtual healthcare

New Wellness Benefits from Maple

Health Plus + Maple Virtual Healthcare

Health Plus Partners with Maple to Introduce New Wellness Benefits

Health Plus is excited to partner with Maple to provide new and improved Wellness Benefits for all Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plan members. 

Health Plus first included Wellness Benefits in our plans in 2019, for no extra charge to our members. We know Canadians can benefit from resources beyond the scope of traditional healthcare. In particular, we understand the importance of accessible mental healthcare, but too often barriers to treatment exist. 

That's why we're committed to offering innovative solutions to Health Plus plan members to help take better care of their physical and mental health. With Maple, plan members can get immediate access to a licensed primary care provider right from their phone. Wellness benefits also provide free counselling services and resources for a wide range of life and health topics, including stress management, relationships, finances, career growth and navigating workplace issues, and much more. 

Maple virtual healthcare
Maple virtual healthcare

All Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plans now include three new services provided by Maple, for no added cost to plan members. 

Maple Virtual Healthcare

Health Plus plan members have unlimited 24/7 access to Canadian-licensed primary care practitioners from anywhere in the world, via text, audio, or video chat. Get a  diagnosis and prescription sent right to the pharmacy of your choice or delivered to you. 

Inkblot Member Assistance Program

The integrated Member Assistance Program (MAP) provides 24/7 access to digital resources for career, health, relationships, financial advice, and more. Members get 5 free hours of personal counselling, couples counselling, career and health coaching. 

Tranquility iCBT

Tranquility's innovative internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT) program offers plan members digital CBT lessons, practical exercises, and guided support to promote mental wellness. 

Why Maple?

We know finding a doctor is a challenge for many Canadians, particularly in rural or remote areas. And even if you have a family doctor, you may have to wait days, even a week or more for an appointment. Maple can help.

Founded by a physician in 2015, Maple is a leader is virtual healthcare in Canada. Providing Canada's largest online network of doctors, Maple is committed to improving healthcare accessibility with convenient user-friendly online care. Maple's partnership with Inkblot allows members access to three great services under one umbrella, no extra cost, no claims required.

If you have questions about Health Plus coverage or the new Maple services, please reach out. Our team is here to help.

Health Plus members can register online at

healthy travel wellness moment

Wellness Moment: Tips to Stay Healthy While Travelling

Health Plus Wellness Moment

Tips to Stay Healthy While Travelling

Travel can be incredibly restorative. A vacation is a chance to rest, relax, and reset. New experiences can be inspiring and motivating. But travel can also be physically and mentally demanding, especially if you’re not travelling for pleasure. Even on vacation, long days in transit, time changes, unhealthy food, and physically demanding adventures can all take a toll.

Whether you’re preparing for a late summer get-away, fall work travel, or just getting back in the swing of things post-vacation, here are some tips to stay healthy when travelling.

Plan Ahead

Ease the potential stress of travel by planning in advance. This may include booking accommodation, passing off work projects before you go, and researching restaurants and activities. This doesn’t mean you have to eliminate all spontaneity but having some reservations and research to fall back on can prevent unnecessary headaches.

Beat Jetlag

There are countless tips out there on how to limit the effects of jetlag but many are just old wives tales. Jetlag is caused by a disruption in your normal daily rhythm when in a different time zone. The best advice is to start well rested, limit alcohol during travel, stay hydrated, and get on your new schedule right away. A short power nap might help but make sure to sleep at the local nighttime in your destination to reset your body clock.

Drink Lots of Water

Staying hydrated is important, particularly if you’re flying. Airplanes are notoriously dry, with humidity averaging 30% lower than ideal. Coupled with low cabin air pressure, dehydration is very common, leading to dry skin, headaches, and fatigue. Bring a reusable water bottle and some electrolytes, limit alcohol, and aim for 8oz of water for each hour in flight. Depending on where you’re travelling, make sure to check the water quality and purchase bottled water if necessary.

Pack Healthy Snacks

Vacation often means heavy meals out, dessert, take-out, and drinking more alcohol, sweet drinks or coffee than usual. Make sure you have healthy snacks on hand; think fruit, protein or granola bars, and yogurt to help keep you energized and mitigate the effects of a greasier-than-usual diet.

Take Care Post-trip

Give yourself a few days to get back into your regular routine. Even if you’ve just had a week on the beach, it’s not uncommon to suffer from post-vacation fatigue. If you can avoid it, don’t schedule important meetings or appointments in the first few days back. Gradually ease into the swing of things by unpacking, tackling the laundry, and restocking the fridge with healthy food. If you find yourself dreading getting back to work, take a few moments to look at photos from your recent trip or daydream about your next adventure.

Make Sure You're Covered with Travel Insurance

Travel insurance means you can enjoy your trip without worries of unexpected healthcare costs or cancellations. Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plans include 60 days of emergency health coverage per trip. If you’re interested in extended travel coverage such as trip cancellation, interruption or lost baggage, get in touch for a quote or fill in the form below. 

Happy Travelling from the Health Plus Team!

Spring Wellness Moment

Spring Wellness Moment: 5 Tips to Take Better Care of Your Mental Health

Wellness Moment

5 Tips to Take Better Care of Your Mental Health This Spring

May is mental health awareness month. The timing is fitting. Spring weather can bring a boost in mood and inspire a refresh of mind and body. But taking care of our mental health is a year-round commitment. If you feel your mental health could use extra focus right at any time, you’re definitely not alone. Millions of Canadians struggle with mental health issues, excess stress and burnout. Here are some tips to kickstart a healthy routine.

Make a Plan

Just like taking care of our physical health it’s best to have a plan for our mental health. This can involve a regular self-care ritual, going to therapy, starting an exercise routine, daily meditation, adding more healthy foods to your diet, setting boundaries to manage stress, and more. Don’t try to tackle too much at once. Instead, focus on one or two areas that you think will have an impact, and start small.

Get Outside

As the temperature rises and the days get longer, there are more opportunities to spend time outside. Just being in nature can relieve stress and improve mood, among other health benefits. The boost of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin you get from moving your body, whether from a bike ride, hike, or walk around the block, can calm anxiety, and improve concentration and memory.

Prioritize Sleep

In our busy lives we often undervalue the importance of sleep. But consistently getting enough high-quality sleep (7-9 hours per night) improves both physical and mental health outcomes. Poor quality sleep is linked to higher levels of anxiety and depression, difficultly controlling emotions, and reduced attention and problem-solving skills. And while sleep needs vary from person to person, research suggests women may need slightly more sleep on average than men.  

Connect with Others 

Community is a powerful tool in our mental health toolkit. A safe, accepting, and supportive community can include family, friends, neighbours, healthcare providers, and colleagues. All can provide a positive support network and help build resilience. The benefits are doubled when you also practice compassion to those around you.

Do Some Spring Cleaning

Many people use this time of year to refresh their space as well. There is a link between a clean home and improved mental health. Clutter can contribute to stress, negatively impact focus, and increase tension. Cleaning and decluttering can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re struggling with depression or other health issues. Remember to start small. Tackle a single space or task or set a timer for a quick tidy. Even 10 minutes can make a big difference.

Mental Health Resources from Health Plus 

If you’re a Health Plus plan member, login to your Telus Health One account to connect directly with a professional counsellor who can help develop a plan for you. The app also includes hundreds of digital resources you can use on your own. The physical and mental health topics included stress management, nutrition, fitness, nurturing positive relationships, and more.

CSGA health insurance social connection

The Importance of Social Connection

Wellness Moment

The Importance of Social Connection

Human beings are social creatures. We thrive on connections with others. Regular positive social interactions and strong social connections benefit us physically and emotionally and can actually lead to a longer life. But nurturing those connections is easier said than done, particularly with the prevalence of remote work and a full load of personal responsibilities. The cold, grey winter months make it even harder to get ourselves out of the house or out of routine. Here’s why it’s worth the effort.  

The Benefits of Social Connection

Multiple studies have shown that people with strong social bonds are healthier. The effects are significant and wide-ranging, from helping to maintain a healthy body mass index and decrease the effects of depression, to increasing cancer survival rates, not to mention the simple boost to overall mental health by spending time with people we enjoy. A strong social network can help you recover faster from illness or injury and better deal with stress. So, how do we nurture and strengthen these connections to lead a healthier life?

Nurturing Social Connection


A hub of social connection, a healthy, safe, and resilient community offers support and inclusion to its members. Participating in a neighbourhood, school, church, hobby or interest group can help you feel connected to others. In turn, your involvement strengthens the community itself. Luckily, there are countless small ways to engage with or give back.

  • Take a class
  • Volunteer with a local organization
  • Participate in  a local park clean up or attend a community meeting
  • Get involved a your kids' school
  • Support a local restaurant or shop
  • Do a favour for a neighbour

Meaningful and diverse connections with others are central to our emotional wellbeing. Our ties to friends, family, coworkers, and neighbours give us a sense of belonging, and these social networks can provide emotional and practical support and step in when we need help. Offering help to others boosts our health too. Strengthening relationships is an ongoing process but simple interactions can have a big impact.

  • Be polite and respectful in your interactions
  • Practice active listening
  • Play with your kids; set a date night with your partner
  • Call a family member or friend just to check-in
  • Have a game night or workout date with friends
  • Get coffee with a co-worker
  • Chat with a local business owner

Building healthy relationships starts with ourselves. The saying ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’ is a great image to remind us to nurture our own wellness, especially if we’re taking care of others, or need help ourselves to muster the energy to be social. Self-care is crucial, whatever that may look like for you.

  • Set boundaries; ask for help; join a support group
  • Cook a nutritious meal; go for a walk; take regular breaks
  • Get organized in whatever way will help create space for your needs

Take a moment to check in on your wellbeing. The more connected we are with ourselves, the more we gain from and give to our connections with others. 

This Wellness Moment is from Health Plus Insurance. Read our past Wellness Moments. From our family to yourself, take care. If you're a Health Plus plan member remember you have access to free professional Wellness Resources.

business insurance

5 Good Reasons for Freelancers to Have Business Insurance Coverage

5 Good Reasons for Freelancers to Have Business Insurance Coverage (Guest Post)

Freelancers in Canada play a vital role in the national economy. Whether you're a freelance writer, independent consultant, or a solo entrepreneur, you are exposed to various risks in the course of your work. That's why it's crucial for freelancers to seriously consider having business insurance coverage in Canada. In this article, we will explore five compelling reasons why freelancers should consider purchasing business insurance.

1. Protection in Case of Disputes

One of the primary benefits of business insurance for freelancers is protection in case of disputes. If a client is dissatisfied with your work or if a third party suffers harm due to your professional activities, you could potentially face costly legal proceedings. Professional liability insurance can shield you by covering legal fees, settlements, and potential judgments. This allows you to work with peace of mind, knowing you have protection in place for such situations.

2. Financial Security in Case of Illness or Injury

Freelancers in Canada do not have the same benefits when it comes to sick leave or disability benefits as full-time employees. If you fall ill or are involved in an accident that prevents you from working, you could find yourself in a financially challenging situation. Business disability insurance can provide a safety net by disbursing benefits to offset a portion of your lost income in cases of temporary or permanent disability. This can help you maintain your standard of living and meet your financial needs during a difficult period.

3. Protection for Your Business and Equipment

If you use expensive equipment or tools in your freelance work, it's essential to safeguard them. Commercial property insurance can assist in covering the costs of replacing or repairing your equipment in case of theft, accidental damage, or natural disasters. Moreover, if your business heavily relies on your physical presence to generate income, disability insurance tied to loss of income due to illness or injury can help keep your business afloat in the event of your inability to work.

4. Managing Contract-Related Risks

As a freelancer, you may enter into contracts with your clients. These contracts might include liability clauses, delivery deadlines, and other commitments. In case of contract breaches or disputes arising from contractual obligations, you could be exposed to claims from clients. Professional liability insurance can aid in managing these risks by providing financial protection in case of contract-related litigation. This allows you to negotiate contracts with confidence, knowing you have coverage in place in case of issues.

5. Enhancing Credibility and Client Trust

Lastly, having business insurance can enhance your credibility as a freelancer in the eyes of your clients. Clients often seek professionals who take their business seriously and are willing to invest in protective measures. Having business insurance can set you apart from the competition and reassure your clients about your commitment to delivering quality and reliable work. It can also help you establish long-term trust-based relationships with clients, which can be invaluable for the long-term success of your business.


In conclusion, business insurance is a crucial element of risk management for freelancers in Canada. It provides protection in disputes, financial security in case of illness or injury, safeguards your business and equipment, helps manage contract-related risks, and enhances credibility with clients. While it may represent an additional cost, the benefits of business insurance far outweigh the drawbacks. By investing in appropriate insurance coverage, you can protect your business and financial future while strengthening your position in the market as a trustworthy and competent professional. Therefore, it is advisable for all freelancers in Canada to carefully assess their business insurance needs and select coverage that suits their specific circumstances.

Do you need health insurance

Do you need health insurance in Canada?

Do you need health insurance in Canada?

With an increasing number of Canadians starting their own business, working freelance, or entering the ‘gig economy’, many workers do not have health and dental benefits. If you’re one of the millions of Canadians on their own for health insurance, you’ve likely asked yourself, ‘Is private health insurance worth it?’.

While not a requirement, private health insurance is generally a good idea to cover what’s not included in provincial coverage. Private plans can cover both routine expenses and protect you against the impact of large unexpected or ongoing health bills. As insurance advisors, we’ve seen the reality of medical bills, and always recommend a good plan. To come to your own conclusion about health insurance, here are a few questions to ask.

Do you already have coverage?

One of the most common ways to access health insurance is through an employer-sponsored plan, either your own employer or your spouse/partner’s. Enrolment is typically automatic for full-time employees and may be optional for contract workers. If you have a good employee benefit plan, you’re likely set. But, when you work for yourself, you’re responsible for your own benefits. There are a number of ways to source insurance as an individual, including through a broker, an alumni or professional association, or direct from the insurance company. Make sure you have the best value option for you and if you do not already have coverage it’s smart to look into.

To be clear, we’re talking about insurance, not a health spending account (HSA), which is also a common employee benefit. While a great resource to help pay for routine expenses, a health spending account is typically quickly maxed out in the event of a serious incident or high ongoing expenses.

What's covered by provincial health insurance?

The more important question is what’s not covered. Provincial plans vary across the country, but in general they do NOT provide working-age adults with coverage for prescription drugs, healthcare providers such as physiotherapists, chiropractors, or psychologists, vision, or dental care.

Do you need health insurance

How much are you currently spending?

What you spend now on healthcare has a big impact on the insurance plan that is right for you. However, if you have few expenses now, don’t make the big mistake of only considering current spending. If you have no large health expenses, it can be hard to gauge the value of insurance. But the risk of future health issues and the expenses that come with them is very real. Understanding potential future costs should factor into your decision.

Medically underwritten vs. guaranteed acceptance

The insurance that will be right for you is closely related to your current health expenses. If you have an existing chronic or serious health condition and corresponding expenses, a guaranteed acceptance plan is likely your best option. These plans don’t ask medical questions and will pay for existing costs, which makes them a no-brainer for many people. However, if you have no or low health expenses, you will likely want a medically underwritten plan. After filling in a medical questionnaire you will save money on premiums and get better coverage. It’s important to know that these better value plans are typically only available to enrol in when you’re healthy. Learn more about what’s right for you.

What is your risk tolerance?

Insurance is all about managing risk and being prepared for the unexpected. Unfortunately, the risk of developing a chronic health issue or needing other expensive healthcare is very real. 44% of Canadian adults have a chronic health condition, with many specialty medications costing upwards of $10,000 per year. Will you be financially able to pay for large, unexpected health costs out of pocket?

Of course, an emergency fund is always a good idea, but are you comfortable with the risk that it may not cover the bills for necessary healthcare? In contrast, health insurance provides a manageable monthly expense you can budget for.  

If you'd like to get covered check out Health Plus plan options or get in touch to learn more and compare. 

healthy workapce

5 Tips to Create a Healthy Workspace

5 Tips to Create a Healthy Workspace

We spend a huge part of our days  and lives working. It’s estimated that the average person will spend one third of their lives at work. That means creating a healthy work environment is essential for overall health, but it’s easy to get in a rut at work, sitting and staring at a screen all day. Here are some tips to be a little more intentional about your health, even while you’re working.

Take Screen Breaks

It’s not news that excessive screen time can be bad for our health, causing eye strain and impacting mental health. If you work in front of a screen all day, make sure to follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes look away from your screen at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds to give your eyes a break.

Stand Up

Sitting is linked to countless negative health effects, including back pain, weight gain, and a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease. But what can you do if your job involves sitting at a desk all day? Try a standing desk, a walking meeting, or make a point to get up and stretch throughout your workday.

Connect With Other People

It’s easy to get lost in the tedium of day-to-day tasks, especially if you work from home. Developing and nurturing a sense of community combats isolation and helps you feel supported. Try reaching out to a colleague to grab a coffee or check out an industry event.

Declutter Your Space

We all work differently, including when it comes to organization. And that’s okay. But bringing some order to your workspace can boost your productivity and mood. Try a 5-minute tidy to refresh your space.

Take a Break

Burnout is a very real problem for Canadian workers. One way to combat overload is simply by taking a break, whether that means a vacation, staycation, or just regular time to yourself scheduled in your day. Taking a break will positively impact both productivity and mental health.

Bonus Tip: Utilize the benefits that come with your insurance plan

Health Plus Priority and Optimum plans include Telus Health (formerly LifeWorks) Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Available to all plan members, no matter where you work, your EAP provides confidential online counselling, digital resources for mental and physical health, and much more.

This Wellness Moment is from Health Plus Insurance. Read our past Wellness Moments.  From our family to yours, take care.  If you’re a Health Plus plan member remember you have access to free professional Wellness Resources.  


How to Use Your Benefits for Self-Care

Health Plus Wellness Moment

How to Use Your Benefits for Self-Care

A lot goes into good health. Luckily, you probably practice self-care whether you realize it or not. If you're looking to ramp up your self-care routine, the benefits provided with your insurance plan can help. 

Mental Health

Paying attention to our mental and emotional wellbeing is crucial to self-care. Mental health impacts our physical and social wellbeing. Accessing professional counselling through LifeWorks Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a great step for staying healthy. LifeWorks is available to all Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plan members, no matter where you work. You and your dependents can connect virtually with a trained counsellor who will assess your unique needs, and access a wide range of digital resources.

Physical Health 

When your physical health is suffering, it impacts all areas of your life. Sometimes taking care of ourselves can feel like a challenge. Simple proactive steps can make a difference.    

  • Visit a practitioner to help deal with a nagging injury before it becomes chronic
  • Schedule your regular dental cleaning to help keep your teeth and gums healthy.  
  • If you are struggling with medication, see if you are eligible for pharmacogenetic testing. Available to all Health Plus plan members, it tests your DNA drug compatibility.


Physical activity helps manage stress, boost your mood and immune system, and reduce the risk of developing chronic illness. Increasing your level of activity can be as simple as going for a walk. Or try the LIFT online platform offered through LifeWorks. Complete an easy fitness evaluation then get access to a library of online workout videos targeted to your goals.


Finances are a significant source of stress for many Canadians, especially in recent years. The simple decision to purchase health insurance is an act of self-care. It helps protect you from the often devastating financial impact of future health issues.

The Financial Wellbeing Toolkit available to Health Plus members in the LifeWorks portal provides excellent resources, whether you are currently struggling or just want to better prepare yourself for the future.


Learning more about how to improve physical, emotional, financial, and social wellbeing is an act of self-care. It doesn’t have to be a chore. Browse the Resources section of the LifeWorks portal for a topic of interest, whether that’s nutrition, leadership skills, coping with trauma, mindfulness, or balancing family and work life.

The ultimate reason for insurance is to protect yourself in case of serious illness or injury. But, that doesn’t mean it can’t be part of your self-care toolkit today. Learn more about Health Plus Wellness Benefits. Self-care is personal. Choose the resources that are best for you.

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