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healthy workapce

5 Tips to Create a Healthy Workspace

5 Tips to Create a Healthy Workspace

We spend a huge part of our days  and lives working. It’s estimated that the average person will spend one third of their lives at work. That means creating a healthy work environment is essential for overall health, but it’s easy to get in a rut at work, sitting and staring at a screen all day. Here are some tips to be a little more intentional about your health, even while you’re working.

Take Screen Breaks

It’s not news that excessive screen time can be bad for our health, causing eye strain and impacting mental health. If you work in front of a screen all day, make sure to follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes look away from your screen at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds to give your eyes a break.

Stand Up

Sitting is linked to countless negative health effects, including back pain, weight gain, and a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease. But what can you do if your job involves sitting at a desk all day? Try a standing desk, a walking meeting, or make a point to get up and stretch throughout your workday.

Connect With Other People

It’s easy to get lost in the tedium of day-to-day tasks, especially if you work from home. Developing and nurturing a sense of community combats isolation and helps you feel supported. Try reaching out to a colleague to grab a coffee or check out an industry event.

Declutter Your Space

We all work differently, including when it comes to organization. And that’s okay. But bringing some order to your workspace can boost your productivity and mood. Try a 5-minute tidy to refresh your space.

Take a Break

Burnout is a very real problem for Canadian workers. One way to combat overload is simply by taking a break, whether that means a vacation, staycation, or just regular time to yourself scheduled in your day. Taking a break will positively impact both productivity and mental health.

Bonus Tip: Utilize the benefits that come with your insurance plan

Health Plus Priority and Optimum plans include Telus Health (formerly LifeWorks) Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Available to all plan members, no matter where you work, your EAP provides confidential online counselling, digital resources for mental and physical health, and much more.

This Wellness Moment is from Health Plus Insurance. Read our past Wellness Moments.  From our family to yours, take care.  If you’re a Health Plus plan member remember you have access to free professional Wellness Resources.  


How to Use Your Benefits for Self-Care

Health Plus Wellness Moment

How to Use Your Benefits for Self-Care

A lot goes into good health. Luckily, you probably practice self-care whether you realize it or not. If you're looking to ramp up your self-care routine, the benefits provided with your insurance plan can help. 

Mental Health

Paying attention to our mental and emotional wellbeing is crucial to self-care. Mental health impacts our physical and social wellbeing. Accessing professional counselling through LifeWorks Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a great step for staying healthy. LifeWorks is available to all Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plan members, no matter where you work. You and your dependents can connect virtually with a trained counsellor who will assess your unique needs, and access a wide range of digital resources.

Physical Health 

When your physical health is suffering, it impacts all areas of your life. Sometimes taking care of ourselves can feel like a challenge. Simple proactive steps can make a difference.    

  • Visit a practitioner to help deal with a nagging injury before it becomes chronic
  • Schedule your regular dental cleaning to help keep your teeth and gums healthy.  
  • If you are struggling with medication, see if you are eligible for pharmacogenetic testing. Available to all Health Plus plan members, it tests your DNA drug compatibility.


Physical activity helps manage stress, boost your mood and immune system, and reduce the risk of developing chronic illness. Increasing your level of activity can be as simple as going for a walk. Or try the LIFT online platform offered through LifeWorks. Complete an easy fitness evaluation then get access to a library of online workout videos targeted to your goals.


Finances are a significant source of stress for many Canadians, especially in recent years. The simple decision to purchase health insurance is an act of self-care. It helps protect you from the often devastating financial impact of future health issues.

The Financial Wellbeing Toolkit available to Health Plus members in the LifeWorks portal provides excellent resources, whether you are currently struggling or just want to better prepare yourself for the future.


Learning more about how to improve physical, emotional, financial, and social wellbeing is an act of self-care. It doesn’t have to be a chore. Browse the Resources section of the LifeWorks portal for a topic of interest, whether that’s nutrition, leadership skills, coping with trauma, mindfulness, or balancing family and work life.

The ultimate reason for insurance is to protect yourself in case of serious illness or injury. But, that doesn’t mean it can’t be part of your self-care toolkit today. Learn more about Health Plus Wellness Benefits. Self-care is personal. Choose the resources that are best for you.

Health Plus plan update

November 2022 Plan Updates to Health Plus Insurance

Health Plus Insurance news

This November, Health Plus raised rates on our OPTIMUM and PRIORITY plans for the first time ever. This is unheard of in the insurance industry where rate increases are as common as the common cold. Our goal has always been to provide the best value health insurance plan on the market, without sacrificing the coverage that Canadians need. 

Why Now?

Trust us when we say we did not make this decision lightly. Healthcare costs in Canada are rising rapidly. This and the increased demand for healthcare services in a post-pandemic world have meant the cost of covering claims has also increased. To continue to provide the coverage and service plan members deserve rates had to go up. 

Save With Association Rates - Limited Time Only

Professional associations that partner with Health  Plus receive preferred pricing for their members. Now, we've extended that pricing to everyone if you apply by December 31st, 2022. Rates are guaranteed until November 2023. View Rates.

The Health Plus OPTIMUM Plan Is Now Even Better

We're continually committed to improving our Health Plus plans, as we have in each of the last five years. This year is no different. That's why we've made a few changes. 

What's New?

  • Vision (OPTIMUM plan only)
  • We've increase the vision maximum for glasses and contact lenses to $300 / 24 months after 24 months on the plan. The OPTIMUM plan also includes $75 / 24 months for eye exams.
  • Dental (Major Restorative)
  • We've increased the maximum for Major Restorative Dental after 30 months on the plan to $1000 / person per year on the OPTIMUM plan and $650 / person per year on the PRIORITY plan. 
  • Healthcare (Paramedical)
  • We've increased the Paramedical maximums on the OPTIMUM plan to $1000 per practitioner per person per year. The maximum before preapproval is now $300 per practitioner per year (up from $250) to a combined maximum of $750 per person per year. The PRIORITY plan includes up to $600 per practitioner per person per year. The PRIORITY plan maximum before preapproval is $250 per practitioner per year to a combined maximum of $600 per person per year.
  • Note: Paramedical preapproval maximums are in place for pre-existing conditions and maintenance treatment. For a new injury or illness you can submit a preapproval form for coverage up to the plan maximum. Psychology does not require preapproval.

View Full Coverage Info

Have Questions? Contact Us

Ready to Get Covered?

healthy fall

Cinq façons d’être proactif à l’égard de votre santé cet automne

En septembre, nous repartons habituellement sur les chapeaux de roue avec la rentrée scolaire et le retour au travail, les paisibles journées d’été disparaissant dans le rétroviseur. Il est tout aussi important de prendre soin de notre santé pendant les mois chargés de l’automne. Voici quelques conseils pour vous aider à adopter de saines habitudes dès maintenant.

1. planifiez votre santé physique

Selon la définition de la santé de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé, la santé n’est pas simplement l’absence de maladie, mais un état de bien-être physique, mental et social. Plusieurs éléments sont nécessaires pour maintenir votre bien-être physique : la nutrition, l’abstention de fumer, la fortification du corps et la réduction du risque de blessures.

Plutôt que de vous concentrer sur tout à la fois, commencez simplement. Prenez quelques minutes pour planifier les rendez-vous médicaux ou dentaires longtemps reportés. Vérifiez comment vous vous sentez et traitez les problèmes persistants avant qu’ils ne deviennent chroniques.

2. Accédez à des ressources pour votre santé mentale

Tout comme le bien-être physique, le bien-être mental nécessite des soins préventifs et des conseils professionnels. L’apprentissage de mécanismes d’adaptation aux facteurs de stress inévitables de la vie quotidienne et la mise en place d’un système de soutien sont importants pour vous permettre de profiter de la vie et de faire face aux expériences difficiles.

Espace mieux-être Canada, accessible à tous les Canadiens, offre des ressources virtuelles gratuites pour soutenir notre santé mentale. Votre régime d’assurance-maladie peut également offrir une couverture des frais de consultation de professionnels en psychologie et en travail social si vous en avez besoin. Les participants aux régimes Priority et Optimum ont également accès au PAEF de LifeWorks, y compris du counseling confidentiel et des outils de bien-être numériques gratuits.

3. Prenez le temps de vous reposer

Avec les activités qui s’intensifient, assurez-vous de ne pas négliger vos moments de repos. Nous savons tous qu’il est important de dormir suffisamment, mais il y a d’autres types de repos qui contribuent à notre santé globale. Les repos physique, mental, sensoriel, émotionnel, créatif, social et spirituel sont importants pour vous aider à vous sentir revigoré.

Si vous avez déjà eu de la difficulté à réfléchir à une solution à un problème ou souffert du syndrome de la page blanche et avez trouvé l’inspiration après avoir fait une promenade, vous connaissez les avantages du repos créatif. Une désintoxication numérique peut fournir un repos sensoriel, et le fait de se concentrer sur des relations positives et stimulantes tout en prenant une pause des relations épuisantes peut fournir un repos social.

4. Prévoyez du temps pour la mise en forme

Quand la vie nous impose un rythme fou, il peut être facile de sacrifier les séances au centre d’entraînement. Mais rester actif est aussi l’une des meilleures façons de prendre soin de votre moi actuel est futur. Il a été démontré que 30 minutes de marche par jour améliorent plusieurs aspects de la santé. Et aussi peu que de 30 à 60 minutes d’entraînement en force musculaire peuvent réduire le risque de mortalité précoce, en plus des autres avantages comme la santé des articulations.

Établissez un plan pour intégrer l’activité physique à votre horaire, qu’il s’agisse de faire une courte marche ou course matinale, de suivre un nouveau cours après le travail ou de vous rendre au centre d’entraînement pendant les activités des enfants.

5. Fixez-vous de petits objectifs

Il est utile de se fixer des objectifs lorsqu’on tente de prendre de nouvelles habitudes ou de se défaire des anciennes. Mais parfois, un objectif trop important sans feuille de route peut nous mener à l’échec. Permettez-vous de célébrer de petites réalisations en cours de parcours.

Il est important de tenir compte de l’incidence de nos vies occupées sur notre bien-être global, mental, physique et social. Tirez avantage des ressources à votre disposition et passez un bel automne resplendissant de santé.

Cet article Wellness Moment provient d’Health Plus Insurance. Bien que nous offrions de l’information sur un mode de vie sain, l’article ne vise pas à fournir des conseils professionnels. Si vous avez besoin de conseils médicaux, veuillez consulter un professionnel de la santé qualifié.

De notre famille à la vôtre, prenez soin de vous. Si vous avez des commentaires sur ces idées ou d’autres réflexions à partager, veuillez communiquer avec nous. Nous sommes toujours heureux d’avoir de vos nouvelles :

healthy fall

5 Ways to Be Proactive About Your Health This Fall

In September we usually hit the ground running, back to school, back to work, the lazy days of summer fading into the rear view. It's just as important during the busy Fall month to take care of our health. Here are some tips to help you get into a healthy routine now. 

1. Make a plan for your physical health

The World Health Organization's definition of health says that health is not merely the absence of disease but a state of physical, mental, and social wellbeing. A lot goes into maintaining your physical  wellbeing, from nutrition to avoiding smoking to building strength and minimizing the risk of injury. 

Rather than focus on everything at once, start simple. Take a few minutes to schedule overdue medical or dental appointments. Check in on how you're feeling and deal with any nagging issues before they become chronic. 

2. Access resources for your mental health

Just like physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing requires preventative care and professional guidance. Learning coping mechanisms for the inevitable stressors of everyday life and having a support system in place are important to allow you to enjoy life and face difficult experiences head on. 

Wellness Together Canada, available to all Canadians, offers free virtual resources to support our mental health. Your health insurance plan can also provide coverage for professional practitioners in psychology and social work should you need them. Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plan members also have access to LifeWorks EFAP, including confidential counselling and free digital wellbeing tools. 

3. Take time for down time

With activities ramping up, make sure you aren't neglecting your down time. We all know getting enough sleep is important but there are other kinds of rest that contribute to our overall health. Physical, mental, sensory, emotional, creative, social, and spiritual rest are all important in helping you feel recharged. 

If you've ever struggled brainstorming a solution to a problem or had writers block and gone for a walk only to have it click, you know the benefits of creative rest. A digital detox can provide sensory rest, and focusing on positive and uplifting relationships while taking a break from draining ones can provide social rest. 

4. Make time for fitness

When life gets busy the gym can be an easy sacrifice to make. But staying active is also one of the best forms of self-care for your current and future self. Just 30 minutes of walking a day has shown to improve multiple areas of health. And as little as 30 to 60 minutes of strength training a week can reduce the risk of early mortality, in addition to other benefits such as joint health. 

Make a plan to fit activity into your schedule, whether it's a quick morning walk or run, a new post-work class to try, or hitting the gym when the kids have their activities. 

5. Set Small Goals 

Setting goals is helpful when trying to make new habits or break old ones. But, sometimes too large a goal with no roadmap can set us up for failure. Allow yourself to celebrate small achievements along the way. 

It's important to be mindful of how our busy lives impact our overall wellbeing, mental, physical, and social. Take advantage of the resources at your disposal and have a happy, healthy Fall.  

This Wellness Moment is from Health Plus Insurance. Read our past Wellness Moments.  From our family to yours, take care.  If you’re a Health Plus plan member remember you have access to free professional Wellness Benefits.  

LifeWorks EFAP

New LifeWorks EFAP Platform Now Included With Health Plus Plans to Help You Thrive

Individual Health Insurance

New LifeWorks EFAP Platform Now Included With Health Plus Plans to Help You Thrive

At Health Plus we know a lot goes into taking care of our health. We know we should eat well, work out, manage stress, take care of our relationships, and create work life balance. It can be a lot. Which is why we’re excited that all Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plan members now have access to the new LifeWorks employee and family assistance program (EFAP).

LifeWorks, previously Shepell, has rebranded and offers plan members even more than before. The new platform provides the same great support services, including counselling, digital wellbeing tools and more. An easy-to-use online platform and mobile app with customizable news feed allows members to get the most from their EFAP on topics important to them. Plus new perks: exclusive offers, discounts and cashback from major brands help members save money on everyday essentials.

LifeWorks can help you …

  • Take care of your mental health, even in times of crisis
  • Cope with stress and workplace issues
  • Navigate relationships
  • Find child and elder care resources
  • Get advice on legal and financial questions
  • Save money with discounts on purchases for work and play

LifeWorks is …

  • FREE – Included in all Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plans, there is no extra cost to access the LifeWorks platform and tools or connect with a counsellor. 
  • CONFIDENTIAL – The EFAP is completely private. Your information or how you use the platform will not be shared with anyone, including Health Plus.  
  • PROFESSIONAL – Services are provided by Masters level experts in the field.

LifeWorks EFAP is available through the Health Plus partnership with Beneplan. Visit the Health Plus Resource Centre for more information about how to access. Click here to apply for Health Plus or get in touch with any questions.

small business employee benefit

5 Common Small Business Employee Benefit Myths

5 Common Small Business Employee Benefit Myths

The employee benefit plan is a staple of large corporations. But as a small business owner, you may feel you have no good options. Traditional group insurance is not cost-effective for groups of fewer than 10 people. This leaves owners with smaller teams with poor coverage options for astronomical rates. When you care about your team, even if that's just you and one other person doing the jobs of 5 people, are you out of luck? Short answer, no. 

Let's break down some common misconceptions about health insurance for small business. 

Myth #1: You need a minimum number of employees to offer benefits

Many small business owners assume only big companies can offer their people great benefits. That's not true. Whether you're a business or 1 or 5000, there are great insurance options. However, when it comes to insurance, one size does not fit all. A plan specifically designed for small business will give you the benefits you want and include measures to keep your costs reasonable. Individual insurance plans can also be great options that offer flexibility for small or growing businesses, or businesses with a lot of contract, part-time, or freelance workers who would otherwise not qualify for a traditional group plan. These plans are tax-deductible too. 

Myth #2: There are no options for part-time or contract workers

Part-time and contract workers tend to get the shaft when it comes to traditional group insurance programs. Group insurance rules stipulate that very small plans must cover all full-time employees. Part-time employees generally don't qualify at all. There are options available that include all workers regardless of full or part-time status. These plans can be portable, which means workers have the option to carry a plan with them between contracts, or if they change jobs. Health Spending Accounts (HSA) can also help provide benefits to a diverse group of employees. But keep in mind an HSA is not a replacement for insurance. 

Myth #3: Employee benefit plans aren't affordable for small business

Insurance rates are determined based on claims made by plan members, the employees in a traditional group plan. Due to size, a small business is at much larger risk for steep rate increases when employees use their insurance. We know, it doesn't seem fair. The good news is options such as Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plans offer excellent coverage and keep rates low. They also give owners flexibility on who to cover and how much to contribute to the cost. The risk of high claims is dispersed across all the businesses who are members of the plans. This keeps rates stable. If you do opt for a group plan, a dedicated small business advisor can also help you keep costs down with a plan design that will work for you and your team. 

Myth #4: The administration of employee benefit plans is a lot of work

This can be true. Traditional group insurance plans require a fair amount of paperwork and it's your responsibility to make sure your employees enrol. However, if you choose to go the non-traditional route, you can get quality benefits and leave the administration to the insurance experts. 

Myth #5: Health insurance isn't that important anymore because employees want new perks such as remote work

While it's definitely true that today's workers care about holistic benefits, not just a pay cheque and a dental plan, health insurance is still incredibly valued. In fact, 8 in 10 Canadians value health insurance above other insurance included in benefits packages. As well, some plans already come with or can be designed to include additional health and wellness benefits, such as an Employee Assistance Plan (EAP), your team will appreciate.

Your business is unique. What works for someone else might not work for you. The best way to figure out what's right for you is do your research, talk with your team, and work with a qualified small business advisor. On top of offering exclusive health plans you won't find anywhere else, Health Plus is a licensed broker and expert in small business benefits.  

spend time outdoors social connection

Wellness Moment 5 Easy Tips to Spend More Time Outdoors

Health Plus Wellness Moment

Less Screen Time, More Green Time: 

5 Easy Tips to Spend More Time Outdoors

Most of us don't need reminding of the benefits and appeal of being outside on a gorgeous spring day. From childhood memories of playing outside to the latest research on forest bathing and ecotherapy, we know time spent in nature is good for mind and body. But, what many of us don't know is how we'll possibly find time in already packed days  to actually spend more time outdoors. Here are a few suggestions on how we can. 

Take your 'office' outside

Working at home or corporate HQ, think about what you could do outdoors instead of at your desk. Take your laptop to your balcony or backyard or the company's outdoor space, even if it's just to check email. Make a meeting a walk. Have breaks or lunch outside. Even a quick coffee run gives you a few precious minutes of fresh air. Brainstorm on a bench - on your own or with a colleague. You may be surprised by how a new venue can spark new ideas. 

Change up plans with family and friends

For quick catch-ups, regular gatherings or taking care of loved ones, suggest a change from the norm. Schedule a walk instead of a phone call, meet the group at an outdoor café, or maybe just sit in the park or on the porch instead of in the living room for a change. It will do everyone good, especially the people in our lives who due to health, work or other demands, might not otherwise get themselves outside. 

Run errands locally

Instead of your usual trip to the big box stores or the mall, walk (or run) to shops in your neighbourhood or near the office. While you're getting outdoor time and your chores done, you're also doing good for the environment and the small businesses you support. It's a healthy habit for all concerned. 

Take care of your kids (or your own inner child) with more time outside

Do homework or storytime outside. Make dinner a picnic, even on weeknights. Help everyone decompress before with quiet time outdoors. Teens are spending up to 7 hours a day on screens, which has been linked to a higher likelihood of depression and anxiety. Trade screen time for green time. Leave devices behind; watch the birds, the breeze in the trees and the sunset instead. 

Make outside time routine

Schedule standing commitments with yourself and others. It's all too easy to reach the end of the day before the end of the to-do list and promise ourselves, yet again, that we'll do it 'tomorrow'. You don't have to take the whole day off for an epic hike. Research shows stress-hormone levels drop significantly after just 15 minutes sitting outdoors. That's why a park prescription is one worth  filling. 

Thinking of others ...  How fortunate are we to live in beautiful Canada where time outdoors is possible and safe. Our thoughts are with all people in the areas of the world where that's not the case. 

This Wellness Moment is from Health Plus Insurance. Read our past Wellness Moments.  From our family to yours, take care.  If you’re a Health Plus plan member remember you have access to free professional Wellness Resources.  

freelancer health insurance

A Freelancers Guide to Health Insurance

A Freelancer's Guide to Health Insurance

Maybe you're a seasoned freelancer or maybe 2022 is finally the year you're going to make your side gig full-time. You'd be joining an estimated 7 million Canadians who are planning to take the leap to self-employment in the next two years. Whatever your situation, when you work for yourself, there are a few things to know about health insurance. For starters, what do you need, where do you find it, and how much will it cost? 

Freelancing may make up for in freedom what it lacks in group insurance benefits, but if you're looking to replace employee benefits, you probably want answers to these questions. Luckily, we've answered some of the most common questions about finding health insurance as a freelancer. 

Can freelancers get health insurance?

Of course. Many people associate health insurance with either provincial insurance or group benefits offered by an employer. But individual health and dental plans are available for freelancers, contract workers, self-employed professionals, small business owners, and employees without workplace benefits.

Do I really need health insurance in Canada?

Yes. Provincial health insurance doesn’t cover prescription medication, dental, vision care, professional therapies, and much more. That’s where private insurance comes in. If you’re thinking “I don’t spend that much on all that now”, reframe your thinking. Insurance isn’t meant to be a chequing account for existing expenses. While it helps with those, its real value is in protecting you against future health expenses. Insurance allows you to transfer the financial risk associated with future health issues to insurance companies rather than take it all on yourself. Read more on why it’s not a good idea to rely only on your emergency fund.

What's included in health insurance plans available to freelancers?

Plan designs vary. Some comprehensive plans include everything while others are more bare bones. Coverage options that include drugs, dental, vision, emergency travel health, semi-private hospital, massage, physiotherapy, psychology, nursing care, medical equipment and more are available. See what Health Plus covers here.

How much does health insurance cost for a freelancer?

Your monthly rate will vary depending on whether you opt for single, couple, or family coverage, the type of plan and whether you are in good health when you apply. Health Plus plans start at $89/month and include dental, drug, professional therapists, travel health coverage, and extras.

Where can a freelancer find health insurance in Canada?

Many Canadian companies sell plans that are available to freelancers. Some are only available when you are leaving a group insurance plan. These plans can offer great value if you have existing health issues, but it’s always a good idea to shop around.

Health Plus Priority and Optimum plans were designed specifically for freelancers and business owners. These plans are exclusive to Health Plus, but most other insurance plans can be purchased either through an independent broker or direct from the insurance company. The advantage with a broker is you can talk to a licensed advisor who can give you advice about multiple plan options. Luckily Health Plus is also a broker so we can help you compare plans from the big name companies so you find the best plan for you.

What should a freelancer look for in health insurance?

In general, you want a health insurance plan that provides good value, with stable rates, high coverage maximums, and no low per visit limits. As health care costs rise, high drug limits are important, even if you don’t take medication now. As a freelancer, you’ll also want a few extras. Portability, so you can take your plan between contracts or if you start a new business. No contracts, in case you need to cancel in the future if you get benefits through a partner or new job. Extras that can help support you as you build your business.

Can I get health insurance even if I have a pre-existing condition?

Yes, you can. 'No medical questions' or guaranteed acceptance plans do exist. They can be a great choice if you have a chronic condition or ongoing drug expenses. However, if you qualify a medically underwritten plan is almost always the best option. A Health Plus advisor can help you compare your options.

What benefits are available for mental health?

Every year 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental health problem or illness. And entrepreneurs report facing unique strain. Finding the right support is critical. Many insurance plans, including Health Plus plans, include coverage for psychologists and social workers, as well as extras to support your mental wellness. All Health Plus Priority and Optimum plan members have access to Lifeworks Employee Assistance Program, which includes free virtual counselling and online resources.

Can I just get dental coverage?

Some ‘dental only’ plans do exist. However, they are typically poor value. Premiums are high and offer little to no protection for other large health expenses you may face in the future.

Is health insurance tax-deductible?

Yes! If you work for yourself the cost of health insurance is fully tax-deductible. This means your actual net cost is lower than your stated monthly rate.

Should freelancers have disability insurance?

It’s a good idea when you work for yourself. Disability insurance offers a monthly tax-free payment to replace some of your lost income if you are unable to work due to illness or injury. It helps provide a safety net that is often lacking when you run your own business.

Do I need life insurance?

Life insurance is an important purchase. It helps protect your loved ones financially in case of the worst-case scenario. Most often the decision to buy life insurance is spurred by a life change, such as getting married, having a child, buying a house, or starting a business.

An advisor can help you figure out your specific needs. And, luckily in many cases life insurance is less expensive than you might think.

Running a business is both stressful and rewarding. Insurance helps put your mind at ease about future health expenses and the right plan offers perks so you're at your best. Still have questions? We're here to help

When is the best time to buy health insurance?

When is the best time to buy health insurance?

If you’ve had health benefits through an employer in the past, you may never have had to think about buying health insurance. It’s just been there. But if you’re on your own for benefits now you may be wondering, is it really the right time to sign up?  

Here’s the reality: the best time to buy health insurance is as soon as possible. There is a common misunderstanding that insurance is something you don’t need while you’re healthy. If you have minimal health expenses now why pay for someone else to cover your health bills? The answer lies in risk and what health insurance is actually meant for.

What is health insurance for?

At its most basic, insurance is financial protection against the possibility of illness or injury. Your insurance plan is an agreement the insurer will pay a portion of both your current and, most importantly, future health expenses.   

What does health insurance cover?

The specifics of what’s covered under a health insurance plan depend on the plan itself. Generally, plans include some combination of coverage for prescription drugs, health (such as medical supplies), dental, and paramedical which refers to professional practitioners such as massage and physiotherapists. These are all services not included in provincial health coverage. Plans may also include vision, travel emergency health coverage, semi-private hospital, and some extras. Some of these covered expenses are for routine care and some are for unexpected emergent or ongoing expenses. 

See what's included in Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plans here

What if I don't spend that much money now?

It’s natural to not want to spend money on insurance premiums if you don’t see an equal or greater return. But you’re missing part of the equation, the risk of developing health issues in the future, either acute or chronic. 44% of Canadians aged 20+ have at least one of ten common chronic conditions, a number that rises to 73% for those 65+. Do you have an adequate emergency fund to deal with ongoing health expenses in the event of illness or injury? 

Plus, some plans such as Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM come with extras you can use now. Like LifeWorks, which offers professional counselling, financial and health resources, and more. These plans offer both future protection and present-day value.  

Because health insurance rates are determined based on a presumption of risk, if you’re young and healthy, your rates will be lower. If you already have health issues, plans with ‘no medical questions’ do exist, but they have lower coverage limits and tend to cost more. The best time to sign up for health insurance is when you’re healthy. It’s the only time you’re guaranteed to have the best plan options for the lowest rates, and know you’re covered for whatever the future holds.