We've just added even more benefits. For everyone. 

You know Health Plus already offers great coverage for health bills, routine and unexpected.   Now there are even more advantages that come with your plan

The new benefits we’ve added are not what you might expect. In fact, they’re not usually available if you work in small business or on your own (unless of course you search and pay).  We think that’s just not right.  That’s why we chose these new services for you. 

Health Plus now includes three professional Health and Wellness Resources.  No added cost, no claims required, customized to your needs.  Designed to help you, your family and business thrivethe new services are simply here when you need them.  

Answers, information, someone to listen, professional advice ...

Life, work and relationships can present challenges and questions.  Now with Health Plus you have access to the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) from Shepell.  For the times you simply want a sounding board or professional view on a health, financial or relationship matterfrom day care options to career moves.  Or the times you’re facing a serious situation that's causing anxiety or poses a risk to you or someone close.   
Your EFAP is available 24/ 7 by phone, email or textin many languages.  The on-line library alone has hundreds of resources on dozens of topics. Experienced Shepell professionals can help connect you with more specialized and longer term services if needed. Used to be only people in a big employer plan had an EFAP.  Health Plus is the only plan that includes it for you ... even when you’re on your own.  With your Health Plus plan, now you can count on Confidential Counselling and Resources.

Fewer side effects, faster route to wellness when you take prescription drugs ... 

A personal pharmacogenetic test is new science that helps your doctor prescribe the right drug in the right dose for your unique DNA.  A simple test you do yourself at home can help reduce adverse / allergic reactions and avoid the ‘trial and error’ process it sometimes takes to find the right meds for physical or mental health concerns.  In some cases, it can be life-saving.  Test results are interpreted by the Health Plus consulting pharmacist who reviews them with you (and your doctor if you agree) and even suggests non-pharma treatment too.  You’re on your way to wellness more quickly with a Personalized Prescribing Plan.   

A professional HR department even when you're a company of one ...

Whether you’re solo, employ staff, or work for someone else, you may have questions about contracts, compensation, policies, or other workplace concerns. Now, you can call the experienced HR professional at our partner, Beneplan for answers, suggestions on best practice, even policy templates. Without the cost of hiring a consultant, when you're a Health Plus client, you can call on Custom HR Advice.  

You can see why we're excited to say Health Plus benefits just got better. 

We’ll be posting details very soon on how to access this toolkit of services.  In the meantime, visit workhealthlife.com, click 'browse as a guest' below the sign in, for a sample of the extensive EFAP support.  If you want to explore any of the three new services further before our next post, please contact us at Health Plus.  416-498-6944, 877-218-0394 or info@healthplusinsurance.ca.   We’ll be happy to connect you directly.   

  • 416-498-6944
  • 877-218-0394