Your Health Plus Rates

No need to fuss with complicated online quotes.
With two plan options to choose from, for singles, couples or families, getting started is simple. 



Canada-wide (excl. Québec)

Prices are per month including taxes. All plans include $30 000 prescription drug coverage, up to $600 or $1000 per person per year paramedical practitioners, emergency travel health coverage, dental, and professional wellness benefits. OPTIMUM plan members also receive vision coverage. View full coverage information here







Dual: couple



NEW  Single Parent: 1 dependent

                                              2 dependents





Family: 3-4 people**



*Per month including taxes     **$40/month/additional person     *Rates subject to medical qualification

Are you a member of an association that offers Health Plus as a member benefit?

Association members get preferred rates on Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plans. Click here to find your association rates. 

Health Plus™ premiums are tax-deductible if you're self employed.
This means your actual net cost is much lower than the quoted rates.

For example, using Ontario tax rates if you earn $51,000 your top dollar tax rate is 30%.  Your real cost for Optimum Single coverage
goes down from $142 to $99 a month.  At higher income levels and tax rates, the net cost for Health Plus™ could go down by almost 50%.

Sometimes government tax strategies actually do encourage people to take smart financial action.
Health Plus™ protection is one of those smart moves.

How We Keep Rates Low

We do some things differently than  other insurers. With years  of experience in group insurance
and hundreds of clients, we've learned  a lot about how to save you money and  cover what you need. 

Rates for insurance plans are based on total claims made by everyone in the plan.
That's why we include some simple steps to reduce inappropriate claims. 

Here's what this means to you

We want to make sure you're covered for everything you need, including high paramedical and prescription drug coverage. In a few situations where treatment beyond initial routine care is required, we simply ask you complete a simple pre-approval step so your doctor or dentist can confirm that ongoing treatment is necessary.

What other insurers do

Other insurers recognize inappropriate or inflated claims are a problem and pre-approvals are not unusual. But, some insurers will charge higher overall plan rates to protect themselves from overbilling.  Others set lower limits on what the plan covers or unrealistically low per visit limits. Paramedical for example: some plans cover only $20 per visit. You probably know this doesn't come close to covering the cost of a treatment. This works for the big insurance company profits, not for you.