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Health Plus Wellness Moment

Summertime Tonic ... especially in 2020

"Summertime ... and the livin' is easy" or so the classic tune tells us. But 2020 has certainly not been easy so far and summer for most of us has turned out much differently than planned. While the summer months are often a healthy time, for many people this year has been challenge.

In summers past, healthy living happened naturally … team sports, adventure travel, outdoor exercisesightseeing walks, concerts in the park, and the simple boost to well-being from the pleasure of special events and traditions with family and friends. Whatever your version of an active summer, this year it’s likely been compromised in some way, if not cancelled altogether.

While most people are doing their best to “pivot” as the COVID-coping buzzword suggests, we’re certainly missing these activities in our lives. It can be challenging to find a new exercise or relaxation routine, let alone make it a habit in the new normal, and physical and mental well-being can suffer as a result. Here’s a boost to your health we recommend. It’s a surprisingly simple activity, even under COVID constraints. There’s no cost, no equipment or lessons needed and distancing is possible.

Take a walk. According to Dr. Mike Evans of St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto along with many other experts, walking is one of the best forms of exercise to increase fitness, build both physical and emotional resilience and ward off ill healthIf you need convincing, take a look at this 5-minute clip from Dr. Mike about the benefits of a half hour walk.

A good walk anywhere is great exercise. A good walk in nature is even better. If you have access to country air, a beach or provincial parkyou’re lucky. But research shows greenspace is what matters. Urban parks and quiet, tree-lined streets also provide that touch of nature that helps lower stress and improve focus and concentration while your body benefits from the exercise. There’s a growing amount of research on the benefit of “Park Prescriptions. 
In this pandemic summer, and even into Fall, when the livin may not be so easy, a walk is the perfect tonic. 

This Wellness Moment is from Health Plus Insurance. From our family to yours, take care and stay safe. If you have a comment on these ideas or more to suggest, send us a note. Always glad to hear from you.  info@healthplusinsurance.ca 

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